The morning sky was coldly blue, but in spite of the shivers he was hot.
The sea lay before them, coldly blue, and as far as they could see on either side of them there was a wide stretch of golden sand stretching into the distance.
While red and gold highlights played through them, the illumination they produced was coldly blue and white.
All were gone, save one who sat beside me on the bed, looking down at me with eyes both dreamy and remote and coldly blue, far paler than a summer sky and filled with a near faceted light as they fixed so idly and indifferently upon me.
His blue eyes were coldly blue and convincingly sincere.
Behind him strode a giant Gaul withtwisted locks and eyes as coldly blue as Sigurd's own.
The eye opened again, coldly blue and gelid.
How perfectly, coldly blue they were.