"I was at both those coldest games," Weiss said.
Hockey is a hard, cold, rough game, and he brings a fire to it that warms a building in winter.
Then in a cold, early-season 19-inning game, he irritated the shoulder further.
Eli Manning is still figuring out the wind patterns, which he says are different here and will become an increasingly important factor in the colder games.
It was the 3rd coldest game in NFL history.
FOR the Jets, it was their coldest game ever.
We won a cold game, a road playoff game, and we scored a touchdown here at the Vet.
This was the coldest game ever played in Buffalo.
These activities has caused a significant change in the understanding of and respect for his artistic oeuvre - being far from a cold speculative, mathematic game.
Only 6,120 attended the cold February 19 game.