Facts and figures gathered later showed an almost coincidental timing of events.
He hadn't noticed any particular correlation; thinking back, there may have been some coincidental timing, but River had been growing more unstable generally.
An October 1977 Sounds article by Chas de Whalley discussed Spunk and made reference to this conveniently coincidental timing.
In what his aides called coincidental timing, the Governor today named the new head of the agency he has charged with breaking up Lilco.
Because of the contents of the story and the coincidental timing of the governess's death, a young Archibaldo concludes that he had killed the woman using the music box.
The coincidental timing and utter uselessness of this alert should cause Americans to raise their eyebrows and to ask whether the Bush administration is playing politics with fear.
I'm not at all happy about the 'coincidental' timing of the new patch.
This contrarian measure is more reliable for its coincidental timing at market lows than tops.
Both writers, who are telephone acquaintances, sounded more amused than annoyed by the coincidental timing.
But the coincidental timing of his gaffe and the affaire Williams made me wonder why people who should know better run into trouble on the radio.