It consists of a wall lined with coin-operated machines.
Sometimes it can be a self-service where one pays at the counter till, and/or a coin-operated machine.
At first Space Invaders was a coin-operated machine but has been made available for almost every games console and home computer.
They ignored the looks, got their drinks from a coin-operated machine near the compartment's forward door, and found themselves a table.
The resort says it's possible to win a $1,000 payout on each of the coin-operated machines.
Following quickly from the Type'B' designs came other combinations of coin-operated machine.
He stopped for a moment at an amusement arcade to watch the people playing the various coin-operated machines.
The tax point for supplies made from coin-operated machines is the date the machine is used.
The constant width of such coins allows their use in coin-operated machines.
Following its release, Pong consistently earned four times more revenue than other coin-operated machines.