These mints were producing coins honoring Iotapa, years after her death.
At the Merchants Bank in Ryan's hometown, the first telephone call received yesterday morning was from a woman who wanted to know when she could purchase a commemorative coin honoring the seventh no-hitter.
THE United States Mint is issuing three new commemorative coins honoring James Madison and the Bill of Rights.
THREE new commemorative coins honoring Americans who served in World War II will be issued by the United States Mint beginning July 9.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The United States House of Representatives this afternoon authorized the United States Mint to produce a coin honoring the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum.
The Liberty Bell on the reverse was taken from a design used for the commemorative coin honoring the 1926 Sesquicentennial of American Independence.
He supported the minting of a commemorative coin honoring the United States Army Infantry, and helped fund the construction of the National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center.
Three coins honoring Mount Rushmore have been authorized and released by the United States Mint.
Hatfield's measure, along with similar legislation from other senators, was reintroduced in 1975, but died in committee, as did legislation seeking a Bicentennial two-cent piece and a bill seeking a coin honoring Abigail Adams and Susan B. Anthony.
LEAD: Word leaked out yesterday that the United States Mint is soon to announce the selection of Kobs & Draft Advertising to handle the introduction of commemorative coins honoring the bicentennial of Congress.