The MDB protocol is used in vending machines to interconnect different modules (such as bill acceptors, card readers and coin changers) with one bus.
Add-on options include laser, charge-coupled device, light-emitting diode and projection scanners, weighing scales, coin changers, touch screens and membrane keyboards.
I had a little chrome coin changer just like he did--I would click out two nickels and he would click out three pennies change.
He reached into his jacket for his gun as he turned but then saw it was the coin changer.
Kept a coin changer on his belt for public phones?
The next step is generally performed by the coin changer.
"That X-mark better not be a gag," Chet grumbled as they paid their admission fare through the car window to an attendant with a coin changer on his belt.
A money changer (or coin changer or coin dispenser) is a device that changes or dispenses coins.
While in Emerson, he developed an idea for a "coin changer" (cash register).
Mr. Villardi still carries a coin changer and dons his white apparel.