"We simply don't have a coherent rationale for what it is we call charity," Professor Colombo said.
In consequence, a coherent rationale for being in the same organization is gradually lost; members may then drift away or the organization may decline, split or disintegrate.
Its officials have been talking up the need for higher rates for months, yet have never been able to provide any coherent rationale.
Beyond this vaguely stated religious ideology and statements that the government discriminates against Tabliqs, the ADF has given few coherent rationales for their insurgency.
Although I believe that we may again send our youth into harm's way without a compelling or coherent rationale, I want these men and women to know that I honor and respect them.
Also, the exhibition lacks a coherent curatorial rationale.
Today's Columns Proposals for subsidized day care have been endorsed by both Presidential candidates, but neither is offering a coherent rationale.
In the last few years the trophy has become one of the most hotly debated awards in sports, largely because it has the least coherent rationale for who receives it.
The praieiros had no popular support and they knew that public opinion was against them-the more so as it became apparent they had no coherent rationale to justify rebellion.
Though economists often belittle the economic case for anti-dumping laws, they acknowledge a coherent political rationale for the laws.