A person who scores 9 on the GPCOG can be considered cognitively intact.
If the patient has difficulties in less than 3 areas (i.e. score of 4 to 6) he/she can be considered cognitively intact for the time being.
If clients are cognitively intact, they have the right to make their own decisions.
Victims of locked-in syndrome are cognitively intact and aware of their surroundings, but cannot move or communicate due to near complete paralysis of voluntary muscles.
She suffers from depression and seizures but is cognitively intact.
Dr. Malone said she has seen children who are "cognitively intact" graduate from her program and be placed in special education classes when all they needed was more language instruction.
It is also important to remember than 30% of cognitively intact older people are unable to remember a documented fall three months later.
Cognitively intact.
However, if validated further, this simple approach could greatly enhance assessment and management of depression in cognitively intact advanced cancer patients.