The ability to select and process information is the cognitive tool that best enables one to function confidently in today's society.
Instructors also need to provide an authentic context for tasks, plus information resources, cognitive tools, and collaborative tools.
The goal of education should be to provide students with new cognitive tools for grasping the world.
Egan, K. The educated mind : how cognitive tools shape our understanding.
It focuses on the applications of this philosophy in the everyday classroom setting utilizing a set of prescribed cognitive tools.
The first chapter describes the cognitive tools linked with oral language use.
The second chapter describes the cognitive tools that are added with the onset of literacy.
The third chapter describes the cognitive tools that are added when students are nurtured toward theoretical thinking.
Each stage includes a set of "cognitive tools", as Egan calls them, that enrich our understaning of reality.
Students don't learn "cognitive tools" - the bits and pieces of cultural knowledge that help young people make sense of the world around them.