That sounds more like the grandiosity of a student radical from a generation ago than the cogent analysis of an experienced politician.
"The writing is invariably interesting and informed and there are new insights and cogent analysis in every chapter," he wrote.
Mr. Gianvito's approach cannot really be called critical, since criticism would require some cogent analysis of causes and events.
Relentless criticism and cogent analysis of a relentlessly dangerous and hard-to-believe administration make Senior uncomfortable.
Thankyou Larry for a cogent analysis of the current mess, how we got here, and who's to blame.
She'd provide a clear, cogent analysis of a question even if she knew the result would be her own death.
But he provides a cogent analysis fueled by common sense, strong conviction and the occasional fusty professorial flourish.
But information doesn't add up to cogent analysis.
At first glance, then, the memo appeared to be a cogent analysis of the combined intel from New York and Manila.
I thought it was because of my cogent analysis.