Was it just symbolic, or did the coffin hold somebody's unChanged baby, dead of a disease that could have been cured by more Change syringes?
The third coffin held Willie, so deeply asleep that he seemed like he would never wake.
Set into the walls, each covered by glass, the coffins numbered in the hundreds and held the bodies of men and women.
A child's coffin, a thing of sadness that misted his eyes and blurred his vision, held his gaze as though it had some kind of hypnotic power.
Jamie lowered the coffin lid, gently, as though the coffin held an occupant whose rest had been disturbed.
Through a process of elimination, Owsley, along with professional historians determined that the coffin held the remains of Philip Calvert, youngest son of George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore.
The coffin with the red interior held a sword in a specially made side sheath: a freaking two-handed sword as long as I was tall.
The coffins also held sooden hafts for use in speartips, impressions of matting on soul and items of lacquer, cloth and basketry.
The coffin was small and white and held the body of Nixzmary, just 7, who died last week, a victim of abuse.
Each coffin held a similar horror.