Her eyes were even more beautiful close-up, a surprising pale gray against her coffee-colored skin.
She had shiny black curls and a smooth, coffee-colored skin- an all-over perfect complexion, very little of it not visible.
She had smooth, coffee-colored skin, and her muscles rippled as she moved.
She was a middle-aged blonde with coffee-colored skin, attractive but serious enough to be reassuring.
A plump, middle-aged woman with coffee-colored skin, she was the senior psychologist at the practice.
His coffee-colored skin has a boy's smoothness, still free of whiskers and hair on the forearms.
His teeth were very white against his coffee-colored skin and dark hair.
Smudges of flour contrasted sharply against her coffee-colored skin.
She had dark circles under her eyes, made darker by the contrast with her own rich coffee-colored skin.
What a contrast those eyes were against her coffee-colored skin and her long curly hair.