The underlying message here is that commercial interests come first, salmon second, even if history suggests that the two can comfortably coexist.
All these influences coexisted comfortably in a music that was ubiquitous in dancing and drinking establishments but almost never captured on records.
To judge from a decade's experience on the adjacent North Slope, oil production can coexist comfortably with Arctic wildlife.
While the foreign influence is pervasive (more than 10, 000 foreigners are believed to live or have houses here), on the whole the population coexists comfortably.
Yet religious and community groups have succeeded with programs that cost much less and coexist comfortably with neighbors.
Fresh Kills is more than big enough for natural habitat and structures for sports and the arts to coexist comfortably.
Solving a satisfiability problem becomes equivalent to getting the spin glass to settle down into a state with all the particles comfortably coexisting.
That makes it hard to coexist comfortably, to say nothing about the possibilities of the competition that are inherent in sports teams.
Over the last five years, post-modernism and modernism have settled their scores, and coexist comfortably as established modes of design.
"They can all coexist comfortably, just as some people wear jackets and ties and others prefer shorts and sandals."