Terrorism is the use of coercive means aimed at civilian populations in an effort to achieve political, religious, or other aims.
Another reason given was that China, a U.N. fund recipient, sought to control population growth by coercive means.
Then, against its will, using the most coercive means possible, the prisoner was coddled.
Through persuasive and coercive means involving extended dialogue and interaction between executive and legislature, wise counsel prevailed and the University Bill was passed.
"There is a possibility that this agent has coercive means to gain the cooperation or obedience of anyone inside, including the Holy Lama."
After 10 years or so of a policy based primarily on economic carrots, China has begun to show a willingness to use economic diplomacy for coercive means.
This elite has established ideologically uniform, repressive states which have imposed a Western model and outlook in Muslim societies by coercive means.
This report proposes a strategy that does not exclude the limited use of coercive means.
He urged his colleagues to stop using intelligence gleaned in Uzbekistan from terrorism suspects because it had been elicited through torture and other coercive means.
If the prosecution is relying on the defendant's confession, the defendant may assert that a false confession was extracted through coercive means.