But the White House said the documents needed closer scrutiny because they "can have coercive effects" and "can impose significant costs" on the public.
At a hearing yesterday morning at Federal District Court in Manhattan, Judge Kenneth Conboy said that the panel could have a "coercive" effect on the newspaper.
A coercive and deterrent effect when deployed to a trouble spot.
Then the correct pool of people is aimed at, the donor (not the family) decides and the coercive effect of money is kept to an ethical minimum.
It suggests manipulation of consumer demand so potent that it has a coercive effect, amounts to a departure from free-market capitalism, and has an adverse effect on society in general.
As a rule, compliance with these governance recommendations is not mandated by law, although the codes linked to stock exchange listing requirements may have a coercive effect.
And yet, if neutrals were not to be affected by it, the coercive effect of such a blockade might be completely lost.
No conceivable coercive effect exists.
Justice Kennedy saw clearly that the prayer of a rabbi invited by the school had a coercive effect on the audience and thus was state-enforced.
But The News, which filed suit Aug. 1, has repeatedly argued that the board would have a coercive effect on talks, which have made little progress in six months.