Electrical codes may restrict the length of a run of some types of flexible conduit.
Although double-cylinder deadbolts offer greater protection, many building and fire-safety codes restrict their use because of their potential capacity to trap occupants inside a building during an emergency.
But local building and fire-safety codes may restrict the use of these, because of their potential to trap occupants inside a building during an emergency.
As he points out, code (software) may indeed restrict behavior - America Online's chat rooms are designed to hold at most 23 people, so that members can't orchestrate a revolt - but that doesn't make it law.
One local lawyer whose child is a student in the district has sued the school system on the ground that the code restricts freedom of expression.
Now, town officials, urban planners and irate neighbors in suburbs across the country are scrambling to find ways to rewrite zoning codes to restrict the size of new houses and additions to existing houses.
For this reason, the penal code restricts the discretionary power of the courts in imposing sentences.
The code also restricts midriff-baring outfits, pants that reveal underwear, pajama bottoms, surgical scrub pants, low-cut necklines, and shirts with offensive words.
The new code restricts tax-exempt bond issues to $150 million per institution, said a spokesman for the Senator, Jeff Viohl.
According to Vahe Tiryakian, a spokesman for the department, the city's zoning code, in general, restricts commercial uses in residential areas, particularly on side streets.