The code below will produce a 200x200 pixel window with the words "Hello World" inside.
The code that was run produced a longer span but less sweep-back than the original wing planform.
Even the most simple code (4 state) produced error rates nearly one one-thousandth of an equivalent uncoded system.
Ancient documents and arcane codes produce astonishing results when thrown into a computer.
This code, for example, will produce a square:
So long as the code produces reasonably predictable results in all browsers, why should anyone care what happens under the hood?
Arcane codes produce astonishing results when thrown into a computer.
The current code produces a more complicated array of winners and losers than the politicians let on.
The following code produces the image for corticosterone below.
Cheat codes may sometimes produce unusual or interesting effects which don't necessarily make the game easier to play.