The wheels locked into place below the body of the plane and the cockpit area.
The cockpit area is in particularly good condition and complete with all instruments.
Speaking of the debris found so far, he said: "There's very little from the cockpit area, if anything.
Several rounds appeared to miss the Beech ahead, but the rest hit right in the cockpit area.
He glanced over his shoulder, although there was nothing to see but the back of the cockpit area.
There had been no sound from the cockpit area.
Reed looked quickly for the small medical kit that the team had brought along, but realized it was out near the cockpit area.
The cockpit area of the aircraft was destroyed by the impact with the airport perimeter wall.
There are some plans for the Connie, but the reality of the situation is that, at best, only the cockpit area could be saved.
A duct carried intake air around the cockpit area and back together ahead of the engine.