Each crystal sells for $10 or less, compared with $100 or more for a gram of cocaine powder.
The police discovered cocaine powder in his car.
However, overproduction of cocaine powder in those islands drove the price down by as much as 80 percent.
In fact, it takes possession of 500 grams of cocaine powder, a bit over a pound, to finally bring a 5-year minimum sentence.
The final processing step, into white cocaine powder, is usually done in Colombia.
Prior to insufflation, cocaine powder must be divided into very fine particles.
It is made from coca leaf extracts, a plant also known for its use as the base of cocaine powder.
Can be used as an inhaled topical (cocaine powder used in nasal surgery).
Soon there was a huge glut of cocaine powder in these islands, which caused the price to drop by as much as 80 percent.
"When comeback is blended with cocaine powder and cooked, all of it remains in the mix," Williams explains.