One proposal had called for a 50 percent reduction in coca production by 2000.
That would expose these countries to the destructive side-effects of coca production.
The economy is built on coca production, and coca paste has become a main currency.
But the guerrillas can simply move their coca production to other zones they control, and there are indications that this is happening.
That would simply drive legitimate farmers into coca production.
As of 2006, coca production in Colombia employed an estimated 67,000 households.
It is slow work turning around a community's decay against a continuing increase in both coca production and fumigation.
But there is strong evidence that reducing coca production will have little effect on cocaine prices in this country.
Now we're not discussing any more if it's possible to eliminate opium poppy and coca production.
The main result of this effort was to shift coca production into more remote areas and force other forms of adaptation.