It includes 60 military helicopters and training for a new anti-narcotics army brigade to support police efforts in eradicating coca fields.
He was making $30 or $40 a day tending coca fields until the National Police sprayed them with herbicide last summer.
After all, if the government were shipping home soldiers' corpses from the coca fields, the public outcry would be tremendous.
We have been spraying coca fields and aiding military forces in Latin America for 20 years.
From the air, thousands of bright green coca fields are visible.
The cocaine business channeled millions of dollars into this informal economy and provided work for displaced miners in the coca fields.
This, in turn, would allow the government to attack coca fields directly and help farmers make the shift to legal crops.
The agency also uses the planes along with satellite images to monitor growth patterns of coca fields throughout South America.
While she struggled to make ends meet, earning $3 a day in the coca fields, her 3-year-old daughter, Sonia, suddenly fell ill.
Those imprisoned were forced to work the lands and the coca fields.