He owned many tenements in the area and controlled the coal and ice business, cobbler shops, the olive oil business and the lottery in the Italian neighbourhoods.
A great buy are the rebuilt boots some dealers have bought from cobbler shops where they have been abandoned by their owners.
All around us were golf clubs, guitars, weather vanes, swords and saucers - and a large boot, a trade sign from a cobbler shop.
The two-story, wooden building across the brook from the four corners here began life in 1900 as James Logan's cobbler shop.
After the automobile-a procession in and ofitself-had passed, she crossed the street and went into Mr. Jacobs'cobbler's shop.
At its height as an identifiable town, Baynton was home to three schools, a church, two public houses and a cobbler shop.
The building contained dormitory space, classrooms, smithy, cobbler shop, carpentry shop, and a dining room.
The story of Forfar takes you from the history of the little cobbler shops to the burning of the witch Helen Guthrie.
The community had a general store, an inn (which burned down in 1870), a blacksmith shop, wagon-making shop, a cobbler shop, and a Temperance Hall.
These early commercial enterprises included a cobbler shop operated by George Huss and three stores, two of which still exist in the district but are no longer in operation.