The remainder of the Dutch ships had fled, making rapid progress towards the coastal shallows.
But his range is sharply limited to the coastal shallows.
The coastal area of Tianjin municipality prior to development was dominated by mudflats, salt marshes (and salterns), and coastal shallows.
During the warm, late Eocene, sea levels were high, and the Tidewater region of Virginia lay in the coastal shallows.
But the coastal shallows excluded the larger sea creatures and the solid-land monsters.
Juveniles frequent coastal shallows or lagoons, while adults occur in deeper water, with little overlap between the two age groups.
Even these distinctions are fading as the majority of Bajaus have long since abandoned boat living, most for Sama-style piling houses in the coastal shallows.
Those in harbors and coastal shallows are assailed by waves, boats and scuba divers.
Until now maritime archeology has been largely confined to coastal shallows of less than 200 feet, the range for scuba divers.
We should cross the coastal shallows in another fifty minutes.