Bavaria, with its inland location, lacks the coastal breezes that turn windmills.
It was still completely dark outside the range of the car's lights, and the coastal breeze was as unrelenting as ever.
Where exposed to salty coastal breezes, however, it is usually somewhat smaller.
Great louvered screens let in the coastal breezes.
Protected from the cool onshore coastal breezes east of the region, Cambridgeshire is warm in summer and cold and frosty in winter.
He hunched his shoulders and turned the single wing farther inland, away from the chilly coastal breezes.
However, Houston lacks the coastal breeze present in Key West, and, as a much larger city, it suffers from the urban heat island effect.
Their great sails fluttered and snapped, tacking the coastal breeze.
Large scale examples include the Hadley cell while a smaller scale example would be coastal breezes.
She tasted coastal breezes and fir trees and cow dung.