Her work as governor changed dramatically when, in 2005, coastal Louisiana was severely damaged by two hurricanes that stuck less than a month apart.
She recruited a number of businesses to Louisiana and also provided proper funding and policies to lay a foundation for coastal Louisiana's recovery.
And certain areas like coastal Louisiana and the lake regions of northern Minnesota turn out to be highly roadless.
National leaders should address an environmental and economic crisis more significant than any of these: the loss of "America's Wetland" in coastal Louisiana.
We believe there are many concerned and honest advocates for the project to restore coastal Louisiana.
Most wildlife species found on the refuge are those indigenous to the marshes of coastal Louisiana.
Officials in coastal Louisiana were not taking chances, and began to plan for evacuations.
Having secured a state commitment to the conservation of coastal Louisiana, the Coalition focused its attention on securing a federal commitment.
Bill is working to restore Louisiana's coasts and protect coastal Louisiana from hurricanes and erosion.
In June of 1957, more than 500 people were killed when a hurricane slammed through coastal Louisiana and Texas.