Guayaquil is home to the only Messianic synagogue in coastal Ecuador.
"Examining the relationship between international aid and mangrove deforestation in coastal Ecuador from 1970 to 2006."
The natives of the Amazon jungle and coastal Ecuador remained relatively autonomous until the Spanish soldiers and missionaries arrived.
It is found in coastal Ecuador and Peru.
The deforestation figure in all of coastal Ecuador is 98%.
Evidence of Paleoindian hunter-gatherer material culture in other parts of coastal Ecuador is isolated and scattered.
Las Vegas culture of coastal Ecuador is one of the oldest cultures in the Americas.
It is estimated that only 2% of the native forest still remains in coastal Ecuador.
On the mainland huge areas of coastal Ecuador are under water, with food and medical supplies ferried in by air.
Unlike similar bells recovered from coastal Ecuador, West Mexican bells were cast, rather than worked, metal.