Some were redeployed in World War II for coast defence.
They were used for coast defence around the British Empire.
The year 1807 found him employed in coast defence in France.
They were originally designed for coast defence but later modified as clandestine attack craft similar to the British X craft.
In this last connection the most suitable types of vessels for coast defence as for offence were determined upon.
During the War of 1812, he commanded a regiment of militia on the coast defences.
The M-46 was developed from the M-36 130 mm naval gun used on ships and for coast defence.
In 1896-98 he commanded the coast defence ship Pervenets.
Mountings could be fitted into traversing turrets on ships, coast defences or tanks.
Forts, mines, coast defences of all sorts, torpedo stations, magazines - everything went up.