Stone cutting in North Adams started at first in an inexperienced, coarse manner.
"That is why Zhirinovsky, with his coarse manners and bizarre ideas, is able to win the votes of millions."
Simply switching between lasers changes the wavelength in a coarse manner.
The Warden explains, in a coarse manner, that her son had gone insane and had to be killed.
Frederick William was known as a brutal man because of his short temper, severity, and coarse manners.
A strangely coarse and rustic manner, however, belied these tasteful surroundings.
From the way they interacted with Jill, they appear to have a rather coarse and snarky manner.
In spite of her coarse manners, Feragga was dangerously sensible.
Johnson himself spoke of his friend's coarse manners.
His coarse manner grated on her nerves and she felt he wouldn't handle the Ferengi well at all.