The soldiers clustered together in knots, and coarse laughter could be heard on every side.
The voice that had sounded so familiar to Yvonne was raised now in loud and coarse laughter.
At these words of insult the company broke into coarse laughter.
This was followed by gales of coarse laughter, then more bouzouki music as before.
The coarse laughter from the other side of the door was anything but humorous.
Teddus moved, but the man guffawed, his coarse laughter filling the shop.
Bursts of coarse laughter rang out through the trees ahead.
Far off in the darkness he heard coarse laughter and dim, whispering voices.
The silence of the dark hours was broken by coarse laughter and shouts.
As he leaned from the saddle, studying this, he heard distant coarse laughter and music.