A shock wave spread across the grass of the Memorial Park, stiffening the coarse blades into regi-mented rows.
Steam four Jerusalem artichokes in their skins until soft, pop them out of their skins and put them through the coarse blade of a mouli.
Then he drew the coarse blade completely free of the scabbard and hit his fist lightly against his forearm.
A modern bow saw is a metal-framed crosscut saw in the shape of a bow with a coarse wide blade.
Duclos was fighting for his life against so many coarser blades that a few more cuts or blows and he would be theirs.
To accomplish this, a sharp, fine-toothed saw should be used, such as a backsaw or dovetail saw; even a hacksaw fitted with a coarse blade will work fine.
Luckily we had bought them from friends who ran a nearby saddler's shop; unluckily they only had coarse blades in stock for our make of clippers.
With the onset of the summer season the grasses in the burnt patches grow up quickly and the tender shoots turn into coarse blades, which no longer attract the animals.
Tall fescues used to be plain old pasture grasses with coarse blades and a clump-forming habit of growth.
Chop the mixture coarsely in a food processor or use a meat grinder equipped with a coarse blade.