It is also the first coal-fired power plant in the country.
As of 2006, the country is planning to build a large, coal-fired power plant every week for the next seven years.
There are plans to build more than 150 new coal-fired power plants over the next several years.
Britain's old coal-fired power plants have only six more years to live at the most.
Further in the same direction, there is a recently built and coal-fired power plant.
China is already building enough coal-fired power plants each year to light all of Britain.
You are in a pretty good position these days because, compared to a coal-fired power plant, your operation is very green.
China builds something on the order one new coal-fired power plant a week.
Vermont is one of two states with no coal-fired power plant.
Their operating costs are up to 30 percent below those of oil- or coal-fired plants.