That was a recipe for nothing happening at all, for example, on the timetable for cleaner coal-fired power stations.
The company's electricity generation portfolio is composed predominantly of natural gas, nuclear, oil, and coal-fired power, as well as some renewable energy.
Although costs are falling steeply through mass production, wind energy is still 20 to 40 percent more expensive than coal-fired power.
The fee revenue goes to companies that operate the electricity grid, to make up the cost difference between renewable energy and coal-fired power.
Instead, the only customer is a tiny neighboring logging town happy to replace its soot-belching, coal-fired power with gas.
Or is nuclear energy the "least worst" option, compared with coal-fired power?
Baluch campaigned for solar-thermal technology to replace coal-fired power.
China's exceedingly high energy demand has pushed the demand for relatively cheap coal-fired power.
Each week, another 2GW of coal-fired power is put online in China.
In the power sector, the fastest and cheapest way to cut CO2 emissions is to replace coal-fired power with natural gas.