In Colorado, that means mostly coal-fired generation.
The town is a former centre for brown coal mining and coal-fired electrical generation in Hesse.
Although once estimated to be 97% complete, poor construction and quality assurance (QA) led to the plant being converted to coal-fired generation.
If that be coal-fired generation, so much the better.
Their generating capacity, however, still lies to a significant extent in coal-fired generation.
We have had leading opportunities in British Coal's topping cycle for coal-fired generation.
He was instrumental in bringing three sugar beet refineries and large scale coal-fired electrical generation to North Dakota.
Although coal is stigmatized as a "dirty" source of energy, half of the nation's electric power comes from coal-fired generation.
The reality was that the Shippingport reactor went online in 1957 producing electricity at a cost roughly ten times that of coal-fired generation.
At the same time, coal-fired electric generation is expected to decline by 25% to 35% by the year 2015.