During the first three quarters of 2009 China's coal consumption increased 9% from 2008 to 2.01 billion metric tons.
The global coal consumption is 7700 million tons in the year 2011.
Growth in Chinese coal consumption should slow somewhat in the next four years.
Domestic energy suppliers had to accept a reduction in coal consumption of 20%.
These measures made little difference to the rate of coal consumption but served to reduce public morale.
Annual hard coal consumption amounts to about 1.4 million tons.
Leading climate scientists like this approach to dealing with China's rising coal consumption.
The station had an annual coal consumption of over 1,000,000 tonnes.
But emissions appear to be increasing again, with coal consumption rising 5.4 percent last year while the use of oil and natural gas also rose.
However, there can be no return to nineteenth and twentieth-century methods of coal consumption.