Soon, another coach will enter, hoping to strike a better balance - as well as hold on to his job for a while.
The Coach's competition was eliminated once the coaches entered the game as players after week 4.
The first new coaches entered service on April 24, 2013.
Between 1921 and 1923, 90 iron and 2,639 wooden coaches entered service.
On Day 1, four coaches entered the game to coach the houseguests.
The coach entered the woods, keeping to the old Scardyke road.
The first two coaches entered service on the El Capitan in 1954 and were an immediate success.
Other, 3rd class only, coaches entered service as C4i-30 (later Bye 655).
Players and coaches enter at opposite sides of the gymnasium.
The four coaches will enter this stage with seven team members; six winners of the battle phase, and one stolen member.