Among the benefits of the college was its co-operative program.
The University of Ottawa's co-operative program has expanded very quickly since its creation and now stands as the second largest program in Ontario with a placement success rate of over 98 percent.
Between 1872 and 1875, many South Carolina farmers joined the Grange and participated in the co-operative program of buying and selling that the Grange established.
The Frank Faubert Scholarship in International Development Studies is awarded to students enrolled in the co-operative program in International Development.
Some courses also allow students to gain hands-on experience by completing projects outside of their co-operative program.
Puijo and nearby resort town of Tahkovuori have some co-operative programs to promote sports and tourism.
"And since the Americans already know, and are ahead of us, it would be to our advantage to make the whole thing public and force a worldwide co-operative program."
NPA provides affinity programs and co-operative programs with other industry groups.
It exists to provide a framework to organise co-operative programmes between the members in fields of meteorology, data processing and forecasting products.
Caltech offers co-operative programs with other schools, such as the Pasadena Art Center College of Design and Occidental College.