Such groups are likely to evolve more complex co-operative behaviour than will arise in a selfish herd.
There are several theories which help to explain why natural selection favours some types of co-operative behaviour.
Genes for such co-operative behaviour are preserved, because they help to perpetuate their own existence.
The theory of reciprocity suggests that individuals carry out co-operative behaviours because they get something in return.
While that does not necessitate co-operative behavior, it does help.
All co-operative and good behaviour should be commented on and praised.
Some cases of elaborate co-operative behaviour are outlined and their evolutionary explanations discussed.
Friendship is co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more humans.
Make sure you're positive about all of your child's good, co-operative behaviour, and tell them when you've noticed it.
Competitive rather than co-operative behaviour may be manifested in other ways such as the 'illegal borrowing' of library books.