Neighbouring municipalities may establish co-operative arrangements.
In 1995, the Convention was supplemented by an Additional Protocol[2], ruling that cross-border co-operative arrangements can be set up as independent bodies which may or may not have legal personality.
Relations between Italy and Libya warmed in the first decade of the 21st century, when they entered co-operative arrangements to deal with illegal immigration into Italy.
The LDDC has not been especially willing to enter in co-operative, collaborative arrangements with existing statutory organizations.
A co-operative arrangement which keeps the trees healthy and prevents the animals from killing off their food supply.
The co-operative arrangement made it obligatory for all hands to work eighteen hours out of twenty--four, every day as long as the contract lasted.
In 1934 six coach operators formed the Associated Motorways consortium, and other co-operative arrangements were made.
In 14 October 2010, the Party of Regions formed a co-operative arrangement a with the Socialists and Democrats European parliamentary group.
A co-operative arrangement with the Hamilton Association of Occupational Therapy was established.
E-EMS, is the special product of a co-operative arrangement between China Post and Alipay, which is the online payment unit of Alibaba Group.