"Too often, a person who is victimized by a crime is then victimized by our judicial system," he said , adding that a victim should have "at least co-equal status with the defendant."
In theory, this leaves low-power FM stations and broadcast translators with co-equal status on the FM band.
A similar form, though with a different significance, is to identify the number of members yet give them co-equal status, such as the Jackson Five.
It has no legal standing, it does not reflect the Finnish presidential line of succession or the co-equal status of the branches of government under the constitution, and is only used to indicate ceremonial protocol.
Upon the reunion of the ships, Doughty continues to agitate for what he perceives is his due: co-equal status in directing the fleet.
UCLA was formally elevated to co-equal status with UC Berkeley in 1951, when Raymond B. Allen was named as its first chancellor.
This law superseded the Imperial Household Law of 1889, which had enjoyed co-equal status with the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and could only be amended by the emperor.
The order of precedence only used to indicate ceremonial protocol; it does not reflect the co-equal status of the branches of government under the Constitution, and is not an actual hierarchy.
Under the short-lived Latvian Socialist Soviet Republic in 1919, Latgalian enjoyed co-equal status with both Latvian and Russian as an official language of administration.
This law, which was promulgated on the same day as the Meiji Constitution, enjoyed co-equal status with that constitution.