In addition to keeping a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule, list-making can help clear an overly cluttered mind.
Or could it be that dreams serve the purpose of solving problems which are too difficult for a merely conscious, cluttered mind to comprehend?
Distracting thoughts of errands and must-dos ricocheted inside her cluttered mind.
It's good to have a cluttered mind when it all comes out rich.
While this may be true sometimes there is also often much truth in the saying that 'an untidy desk means a cluttered mind'.
A cluttered camp is the sign of a cluttered mind,' Caalador said.
There's a lot of cluttered minds right now and the only good thing about it is you've got games coming at you consistently.
Mick paces the cell like a caged animal, his cluttered mind attempting to sort through a thousand details at once.
That was really about all that the evil giant was able to formulate in cluttered mind.
It was unthinkable to reply to the Presence with a cluttered mind.