Jordan was known throughout his career for being a strong clutch (sports) performer.
No longer the breakaway threat of old, he remained a clutch performer and a top defensive back for six more seasons.
But Ryan was also a clutch performer during the Browns' memorable 10-3-1 season.
He has often been the team's best clutch performer, making his failures all the more difficult to absorb.
Tanana has only added to his reputation as a clutch performer - if also a limited one - over the past six weeks.
But he is tough and quick, and a clutch performer.
In many cases, a simple review of statistics debunks the notion that certain players are "clutch" performers.
Now after watching that game, you have to think that he is one of the best clutch performers also.
The 23-year-old is never hesitant to take the big shot and she has assumed the role of clutch performer with the National Team.
That means the Houston Rockets will be without one of their best clutch performers until near the playoffs.