After their death, the boys entered into the heavens as the open cluster known as the Pleiades.
This makes it one of the oldest open clusters currently known.
Its age is probably similar to NGC 188, the oldest open cluster known, which was calculated to be over 5 billion years.
It is one of the most metal-rich globular clusters known.
It's also one of the youngest clusters known, with an age of just 1 million years.
At 175 light-years in diameter, it is one of the larger globular clusters known.
Trisk was one of two large islands in the distant cluster known as the Purple Rocks.
Spanning 165 light-years in diameter, M5 is one of the larger globular clusters known.
The number of clusters known continued to increase under the efforts of astronomers.
Concentrated clusters of melanin, commonly known as freckles, are often found within the iris.