True to its name the club encourages students to be innovative and bubbling with new ideas.
The club encourages students to take up research in mathematics.
These schools believe that the clubs actually encourage students to not only recycle at school, but at home as well.
The problem isn't only the drinking these clubs encourage, but also the pressurized social climate they serve the drinks in.
The club has since then encouraged the participation of not only students but teachers as well, to beautify and clean the surroundings.
Some clubs encourage members or guests to bring their own chairs.
Even females could use clubs to encourage their right to have a say in who they mated with.
The club encourages safety-course candidates to get in touch with individual instructors by telephone.
The club encourages students to go to the athletic activities to show their school spirit.
The club is also looking to establish a local junior competition and encourages anyone interested in lacrosse to get involved.