She glanced up past the stone figure and the flower-draped skeleton of the ancient Buyur town, toward a cloud-flecked sky.
Pancho stretched her long arms up toward the cloud-flecked sky, trying to work out the knots in her back.
The water before him was tinged with the blue of cloud-flecked sky, almost innocent of smog.
Maia asked hastily, while staring onto a stony plateau capped with a fantastic, cloud-flecked sky.
Within an hour we were rolling along the A6 past field after field of sunflowers under cloud-flecked skies.
She saw fields beyond, rolling hills in the background, and a cloud-flecked sky.
But others, standing on swings, descend out of a cloud-flecked sky and remain suspended in the azure throughout the scene.
Douglas scrambled his men and they were airborne within minutes, roaring up into the cloud-flecked sky above the waters of the Forth.
Out on the practice field Danzar was again clawing wildly with both hands as he climbed above their heads into the blue, cloud-flecked sky.
The Yamagata jet roared overhead, rattling his bones with its noise, then dwindled into the bright cloud-flecked sky.