The files live on your Drobo, not on an external cloud provider's storage.
The ciphertext is then uploaded to the cloud provider.
This is not a problem at all with Jungle Disk, my current cloud provider.
That way, the cloud providers will have zero idea what you've got, and there is zero change of your data being leaked.
But's it's easy enough I don't mind having another cloud provider.
Generally, Compuware says a 1.5- to 2-second spread between cloud providers represents a substantial performance difference.
Depending on the application or services you want to host with a cloud provider, the location-specific data may be more important than the global average.
Under the vendor management issue, user organizations must also take responsibility of ensuring different cloud providers meet their Service-level agreements.
We simply build the app on our preferred cloud provider and off we go.
It makes applications more portable, so you don't have to tie yourself to some particular cloud provider's environment.