One cloud lay along the western sky partly smothering the red.
Almost as soon as the message was completed, the cloud began to define itself again, and lay for a quarter of an hour at rest.
It was a very dark night at first, because clouds lay across the sky and hid even the stars.
Across the spinward section of the city lay a cloud of black smoke.
The cloud lay close to the ground and spread very slowly in all directions.
A single low cloud lay across it in the distant west, with the sun setting behind it.
High above them white clouds drifted by, and far below lay the green carpet of the lowveld.
Abruptly the chariot altered course, so that now the cloud, or island, lay straight ahead.
The clouds lay low and gray over the town.
A thin purple cloud lay across the sun, making the sky look like a nice, serene painting.