The sky looked bloated with puffy clouds filled with the kind of cold spitting rain that makes November notorious.
A great, roiling sapphire cloud filled with a searing brightness had descended upon Genesis.
The funnel was described as being "swirling black clouds," filled with debris, that vanished northwest of downtown Mt. Vernon.
After interacting with land, the eye of Nanmadol became cloud filled and the eyewall in the northern semicircle became eroded causing the system to weaken.
A slowly expanding cloud of gas filled with spinning flat pieces of metal appeared.
It went by in an acrid cloud of smoke, filled with passengers.
At first, they saw nothing; then death rumbled into view, a swirling black cloud filled with glittering, guttering sparks, like thousands of miniature, dancing stars.
They're like clouds filled with rain.
Holo rain fell on the globe from dense clouds filled with lightning.