As the two clouds collapsed around the black hole, their masses resulted in much different behavior.
It rained for three days running, and when the skies cleared, the towering yellow-grey clouds above desert had collapsed.
Scientists believe that the solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago when a dense cloud of gas, dust and ice, called the solar nebula, collapsed.
If the cloud collapsed tightly, it would form a clump about six inches in diameter on the desert floor.
The cloud collapsed all at once and was gone.
The technique was remarkably effective, and the few remaining clouds quickly collapsed into patches of mud.
Another possibility is that a large cloud of gas directly collapsed into a black hole.
This cloud will then collapse, creating a pyroclastic flow of hot volcanic matter.
A faint cloud of pale pink swirled beside Estrella's body and immediately collapsed into a minute, doll-like figure.
As the cloud collapses the gas settles into a rapidly rotating disk.