You want me to have my clothes torn off, too?
I never was curious whether virtual clothes can tear or not, and don't want to try - the mountain sun is cruel.
I saw her stunned face as she stood unharmed, her clothes torn, by the side of the road.
"If your instincts controlled you completely," she said softly, "we would be on the ground right now, our clothes torn off, making love."
She braced, pushed again, her clothes tearing with the effort.
But often her clothes were torn, top to bottom, unminded for years.
She stood before him, her hair awry and clothes torn.
He was a bit tired, his clothes torn from the fight with the frost giant and the Nidavellir just to get in here.
Come home with his clothes tore an' his nose bloody.
The daughter is found crying, her clothes torn, a group of other children staring at her.