But few would disagree that clothes have always reflected the exuberance, the gloom, even the chaos of the moment.
My clothes reflect the role I'm playing of a professor in a class.
Ms. McGuire said she also tried to make sure the characters' clothes reflected what is happening in their lives.
These clothes reflect the desire among some working women to relegate the pressures of work to the back of the closet.
How can you make sure your clothes reflect your timelessness?
The nonchalant clothes reflected the mood: cheery but not ecstatic.
The clothes reflect the days when fashion changes proceeded at a slower pace than they do today.
Red and blue painted clothes reflected as though still wet.
The clothes also reflect a belated realization that the industrial process can actually open his mind to new ideas.
The clothes Spiegel offers have always reflected what was going on in fashion, making the trends accessible to a broader market.